
Posterchild for Relaxation

yessss.... the R&R week was here and (well obviously it's now past)..

Week of 01.22.07 to 01.28.07

Yes this is the recovery week of "The Plan".... The idea being that it's less hours, but a little more "focused intensity". Supposed to watch diet, eat healthy, and relax.. Well I did ok in that regard, but I didn't really record my diet, and if I wanted to splurg on more than one occassion I did. So there... that's my key to a successful diet.. SPLURGE ON OCCASION!!

Cats out of the bag...

Ok as you know I've summed up 3 weeks in one week here... so yes this is going to be a summary post.... hopefully there will not be many more... but the best plans can some times go astray.

MONDAY: Was scheduled to be a rest day and it's a good thing as I was Hungover that morning... Too much pigskin the day before. Yes wanted the Saints and Pat's to win, but by now we all know how that turned out. My better half was in a good mood as she constantly congratulated me on the 10 to 15 beers out of sixty that I can't account for over the weekend... YES... Congratulating was used sarcastically. nevertheless you'll have that. As I said today was a rest day... pretty tired surpisingly, after work,

Tuesday.... didn't fair much better, had originally planned to run, but I thought two days of rest would be better and that's what I did!!! went to Applebees with the better half and her "yung-uns" - That was my Walton's speak.

Wednesday: today was a test day... What the hell is a "test day" you say? well if your that bored and want to find out... read on or skip to another day, or hell skip to another website all together..... Try this one - BikeBFat.

Anyhow...The idea of testing is to check your progress.. So thus now I can watch a months of labor bare no fruit. The coach says to warm up and ride 3 miles at a moderate heart rate... Stay Aerobic - remember what the hell that means? good.. (it's impossible for me, I'm anaerobic when I'm sleeping). Well did it, and 3 miles in 7:25. Total ride was about 30 minutes but I extended a little for shits and giggles.

Thursday: Today, I got up and did one of the Spinerval tapes... "Ride Strong" prior to going to work. As discussed this workout is fairly easy, and actually seemed pretty good in the morning. Had a dentist appointment today also.... Where Dr. Dentist informs me that I wasn't blessed with good teeth. But that's what I pay him for, and alas he's doing well. Home from that and did another spinerval tape - Big Gears.. NOW this one actually kicked my ass... Mostly spinning the larger gears, with longer intervals, and smaller recovery's. Felt like a good workout.

It was so good in fact that on Friday, I decided to do nothing and take another day off, as my legs were sore and stiff. But bring on my pal Swanny to the rescue, as he called that day, and wanted to drink some pilsners after work. And that's just what I did. Ended up at the Mexican Cantina for some burritos and chips and a couple more pilsners. Yes... Susan and the young-uns <-- see that? Walton speak. Joined us. Later that eve took Swanny home, and went to the city.

SATURDAY: woke up to a nice alarm, and decided to run... Jogged 20 minutes along WV34 in Teays Valley. Remember I'm using the term jogging loosely. Today was a very productive day as we got the Christmas decor down from the city house, and new appliances delivered. After that work, went to the country house - that's my house for you that are starting to get confused. In the country the weather was nice 50+ degrees - for January. Did some weights, and then rode about an hour and a half around Barkers Ridge - and that is the photo of the blog.

Afterwards, drank a few beers and then it was off to the Town Center in Charleston for a workshop in Building a Bear. Home to watch the decent, and then lights out.

SUNDAY: snowy and cold again.... but hey It's January. Did the Ride Strong workout again, built a fire, worked on some photos, and typed this blog...

So I didn't weigh myself all week... I'm going with the 239 again. The goal for this week will be 235. I'm sure the odds are not in my favor.

Total time was 6:24 with 86 miles of riding, and 2 miles of speedy trotting.

Bottoms Up

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