


So says the scale today. That's about 17lbs in almost a month. At this rate I will have reached March's goal of 225 before the end of February. No complaint there.

Hopefully the result stays around for awhile, personally I think it's a Blip. But just to see that number was good. Inspiring.

Well missed a post yesterday so here goes...

Did another Tempo Ride - this time the plan was to go constant for 30 minutes in Zone 3. Of course warmed up and cooled down accordingly. Did the workout on a trainer, after a 10 minute trot down Howells Mill.

Sorry it's not the best image. I know your loosing sleep over it.

The run and the ride both felt good.

Here's graph of the trainer workout. You can see the little warm up during the first 10 minutes, then afterwards the elevated HR throughout the tempo. I know it's a wonderful pic and you will want to pin it to your fridge.

Maybe more later when/if the mood hits...

Oh yeah 22 miles on the trainer.

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