
2 Dayz

Well I've taken two days off since my last rides on Tuesday.

Tuesday, I spinned on the trainer getting about 40 min in Z3.

Wed: was Valentines Day.. I intended to get up early to ride prior to work, however the evening spent at Ruby Tuesday's beer did not allow me such a luxury. So basically Wed Eve... it was a love fest in at the Embassy Suite's in Charleston - the managers special of free drinks and snacks from 5:30 to 7:30 was great. Dinner at Gratzi's where we proceeded to have 2 Bottles of Chianti (spelling??) I think I consumed 75%. As once back to the room I was out like a light.

Thur: back to work, but tired.. once home decided to forgo the riding and catch up on my TV watching. So popped popcorn, shot diet to hell. Watched 24, The Sandlot, CSI, and portions of Grey's Anatomy. The glory of DVR.

Friday... well now back to the grind. Need to get some workouts in, clean a bike as I think I'm going to try Diesel's KT ride on SAT morning. I'll start from my house and hopefully end up in Frazier's Bottom - We'll see, and we'll let you know.

So with 2 Days off I think I'm little motivated to get back on the bike.

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