


I'm over it... Let's see where to start.

Ok..Yesterday 02.21.07 started out pretty good. Got up and jogged for 20 min in Teays Valley, after staying in my city abode.

Interestingly as I think I have the early morning hours to myself.. I just bumble along the sidewalks, without a care in the world. Those of you that have Polar HRM's, may have the feature that if you raise the monitor up to your chest strap, the light will come on. Well I do this frequently so that I know when to turn around sometimes - 10 min out + 10 min back = 20 min. You get the drift.

As I bumble along no care in the world.. holy shit I run into a fellow early morning jogger. Scared the shit out of me. That was my interesting thing for the day... collision.

That eve, I received in the mail my new HRM monitor - why did I purchase a new one? Taxes, extra monies burning holes in my shallow pockets. Obviously if I needed it I wouldn't have purchased it. However, I received my new Garmin Edge.

This thing is awesome. Uses GPS, to track your position, speed. Has a new sensor than my old GPS so it actually receives signals very good.. heck it worked in my house. Garmin has some sort of partnership with MotionBased.Com. Whereby you can upload your data to that site for free - least for most features.

MotionBased has all sorts of cool features... stores your route to Google Earth automatically. Profiles, wealth of info. The Edge 305 was expensive, but for gadget geeks you may like. If you get a chance to try it out.

For busting my cherry, did a night ride around Lower Creek. Fairly warm out for February - 40's. It was an overall nice ride. (if you noticed the last link I think your able to go and check out some of the workout specifics, if not, oh well you wasted your time, but not as much time as I in figuring that out)

The Garmin worked great.


This morning checked the Garmin out on another little trot around Teays Valley. This time it was basically around some of the local subdivisions - again for about 20 min.

No collisions.

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