
IPOD Friendly Gloves

Don't you just hate it when you can't find your gloves??? Or anything you normally have for something.

Well I do.

Well this afternoon was a disaster....

Starts out going to Wendy's for lunch.. when my credit/debit card was declined. That will piss you off! Then it pisses you off more, when you use a CREDIT CARD, for a baked potato and small chili. ($2.34).

After lunch, this concerned individual goes across the way to the ATM to check the Balance... INVALID USER / CARD CONFISCATED.

What the hell??? Fortunately, this was my bank and inside I went. Well, the card was not working because of TJ MAX and some other related vendors who had been violated around the past holidays. My security was compromised. My idiocy has led to this problem.

Yes, a few days ago I received a new Debit Card in the mail. What did I do with this newly recieved card??
I threw it away.
The old one was working fine, and stuff. Didn't realize it was an entirely new account number. Nevertheless, this card is no good and a new new card is on the way.

Well this took about an hour to fix... because I had already told my supervisor that I may have to take off the afternoon to contend with the dreaded horrible "Throw-Up Virus", I went ahead and did so, but knowing full well that I didn't have to contend with this dreadful disease as that had already been taken care of.


To the OREK place I went. $helled out $ome dough. Now I have a $weeper.

Then home to do a ride. Love the little Edge 305.

This ride went around Big 7 Mile and back home over Sky High. Very freakin' windy ride. hell thought I was going backwards at times.

Gloves, I hate not having the gloves you're used to. I misplaced my normal so broke out a previously retired pair. I should market the design. For those of you that use an IPOD, well these work great. The fingers are meticulously worn to where bare skin can connect with the wheel of the IPOD. If you own an IPOD you surely know how hard it can sometimes be to change tunes when the fingers are covered. Well these gloves can take that on.

Oh yeah shadow pic

Home to play with the Orek. Drink a beer. Then off to Susan's for what she has self proclaimed "THE BEST SEA FOOD LASAGNA".

I'll let you know how that is.

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