

R & R

So after yesterday's day off.. time to get back in the swing of things. So I started off today after work dropping Susan and the youngun's off.

Interlude... and this has nothing to do with cycling.... Leaving work rumor was that there was an accident on the interstate. At the Greenbrier Street interchange, there was traffic backed up. So being of sound mind and intelligence I proceed to go the opposite direction and then back track along WV 61. Well I needed gas also. To make long boring story short, this was probably an unnecessary step. Oh well I shared it with you.

Ok back to the rest of the boring stuff.

Came home jumped on the trainer, for the test. As per "the plan", this is supposed to be a Tempo Time Trial. Why is my fat ass doing this??? You find out let me know, but hey there's something to be gained from improvement right?

Well the test is simple, warm up ride 3 miles at a certain calculated Heart Rate. Mine happens to be low Z4 range (for you that want to simply know 160 to 161). Record your time.

Back on Jan 24th I did this..

Jan 24th: 3miles 7:15.5 161avg
Today: 3 miles 6:55.5 161avg

Today pushed a harder gear than before. So that was probably the reason.

Also wanted to do some weights... but Turbo Tax is telling me that I need to do something else or the great State of WV will not accept my tax return. So I shunned the weights to fix this self imposed mess.

Till next time

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